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L. Fita's work-flow management for ORCHIDEE model
L. Fita's work-flow management for ORCHIDEE model
ORCHIDEE work-flow management is done via 3 scripts (these are the specifics for hydra [CIMA cluster]):
* <code>EXPERIMENTparameters.txt</code>: General ASCII file which configures the experiment and chain of simulations (chunks). This is the unique file to modify
* <code>run_experiments.pbs</code>: PBS-queue job which prepares the experiment of the environment
* <code>run_OR.pbs</code>: PBS-queue job which launch the ORCHIDEE model and a range the output
An experiment which contains a period of simulation is divided by '''chunks''' small pieces of times which are manageable by the model. The work-flow follows these steps using <code>run_experiments.pbs</code>:
# Copy and link all the required files for a given '''chunk''' of the whole period of simulation following the content of <code>EXPERIMENTparameters.txt</code>
# Launches <code>run_OR.pbs</code> which will simulated the period of the given '''chunk'''
# Launches the next <code>run_experiments.pbs</code> (which waits until the end of <code>run_OR.pbs</code>)
All the scripts are located in <code>hydra</code> at:
== EXPERIMENTSparameters.txt ==
This ASCII file configures all the simulation. It assumes:
* Required files, forcings, storage, compiled version of the code might be at different machines.
* There is a folder with a given template version of the <code>run.def</code> which will be used and changed accordingly to the requirement of the experiments
# Experiment name
ExpName = DiPolo
# Simulation name
SimName = OKstomate_CRUNCEP_spinup
# python binary
# Start from the beginning (keeping folder structure)
scratch = false
# Experiment starting date
exp_start_date = 19580101000000
# Experiment ending date
exp_end_date = 20150101000000
# Chunk Length [N]@[unit]
# [unit]=[year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second]
chunk_length = 1@year
# Hosts
# list of different hosts and specific user
# NOTE: this will only work if public keys have been set-up
# Running host (including domain definition)
# Host with compiled code, namelist templates
# forcing Host with forcings (atmospherics and morphologicals)
# output Host with storage of output (including restarts)
# Folder with the `run.def' and `xml' of the experiment
domainHOME = /home/lluis.fita/salidas/estudios/dominmios/DiPolo/daily
# Running folder
runHOME = /home/lluis.fita/estudios/DiPolo/sims
# Folder with the compiled source of ORCHIDEE
orHOME = /share/modipsl_dbg/bin/
# Storage folder of the output
#storageHOME = /datoslluis/estudios/DiPolo/sims/output
storageHOME = /home/lluis.fita/salidas/estudios/DiPolo/sims/output
# Modules to load ('None' for any)
modulesLOAD = None
# Simulation kind
# 'offline': Realistic off-line run, with initial conditions at each change of year
# 'periodic': Realistic off-line run, with the same initial conditions for each year
kindSIM = offline
# Model reference output names (to be used as checking file names)
nameLISTfile = run.def # namelist
nameRSTfile = sechiba_rest_out.nc # restart file
nameOUTfile = sechiba_history.nc # output file
# Extensions configuration of the model
configEXTS = def:xml
# restart file names
# ':' list of [tmplrstfilen|[NNNNN1]?[val1]#[...[NNNNNn]?[valn]]@[tmpllinkname]|[NNNNN1]?[val1]#[...[NNNNNn]?[valn]]
# [tmplrstfilen]: template name of the restart file (if necessary with [NNNNN] variables to be substituted)
# [NNNNN]: section of the file name to be automatically substituted
# `[YYYY]': year in 4 digits
# `[YY]': year in 2 digits
# `[MM]': month in 2 digits
# `[DD]': day in 2 digits
# `[HH]': hour in 2 digits
# `[SS]': second in 2 digits
# `[JJJ]': julian day in 3 digits
# [val]: value to use (which is systematically defined in `run_OR.pbs')
# `%Y%': year in 4 digits
# `%y%': year in 2 digits
# `%m%': month in 2 digits
# `%d%': day in 2 digits
# `%h%': hour in 2 digits
# `%s%': second in 2 digits
# `%j%': julian day in 3 digits
# [tmpllinkname]: template name of the link of the restart file (if necessary with [NNNNN] variables to be substituted)
# Folder with the input morphological forcing data
indataHOME = /share/ORCHIDEE/data/IGCM/SRF
# ':' separated list of [morphfilen]|[NNNNN1]?[val1]#[...[NNNNNn]?[valn]]@[tpmllinkname]|[NNNNN1]?[val1]#[...[NNNNNn]?[valn]]
# [morphfilen]: morphological forcing file (relative to ${indataHOME}) (if necessary with [NNNNN] variables to be substituted)
# [tmpllinkname]: template name of the link of the restart file (if necessary with [NNNNN] variables to be substituted)
indataFILES = albedo/alb_bg_modisopt_2D_ESA_v2.nc@alb_bg_modisopt_2D_ESA.nc:cartepente2d_15min.nc@cartepente2d_15min.nc:carteveg5km.nc@carteveg5km.nc:floodplains.nc@floodplains.nc:lai2D.nc@lai2D.nc:PFTMAPS/CMIP6/ESA-LUH2/historical/v1.2/withNoBio/13PFTmap_[YYYY]_ESA_LUH2v2h_withNoBio_v1.2.nc|YYYY?%Y%@PFTmap_025.nc:PFTmap_IPCC_1850.nc@PFTmap_IPCC.nc:reftemp.nc@reftemp.nc:soils_param.nc@soils_param.nc:soils_param_usda.nc@soils_param_usda.nc:soils_param_usdatop.nc@soils_param_usdatop.nc:routing.nc@routing.nc
# Folder which contents the atmospheric data to force the model
iniatmosHOME = /share/ORCHIDEE/data/IGCM/SRF/METEO/CRU-NCEP/v5.4/halfdeg
# ':' list of [atmosfilen]|[NNNNN1]?[val1]:[...[NNNNNn]?[valn]]@[tpmllinkname]|[NNNNN1]?[val1]#[...[NNNNNn]?[valn]]
# [filenTMPL]: template of the atmospheric data file name with [NNNN] variables to be substitued
# [tmpllinkname]: template name of the link of the restart file (if necessary with [NNNNN] variables to be substituted)
filenameTMPL = cruncep_halfdeg_[YYYY].nc|YYYY?%Y%@atmos_forcing.nc
## configuration files (':' separated list)
ORdef = run.def
ORxml = context_orchidee.xml:field_def_orchidee.xml:file_def_orchidee.xml:iodef.xml
## def,xml changes ([fileA]@[parm1]:[val1];...;[parmN]:[valN]|...|[fileZ]@....)
nlparametres = run.def@STOMATE_OK_STOMATE:y;STOMATE_OK_CO2:y
# Name of the exectuable
# netCDF Files which will not be kept anywhere
# Headers of netCDF files need to be kept
# Headers of netCDF restart files need to be kept
# Extras. rebuild program folder
binREBUILD = /share/modipsl_IOIPSLtools/bin
# ORCHIDEE parallel run configuration
## Number of nodes
Nnodes = 1
## Number of mpi procs
Nmpiprocs = 16
## Number of shared memory threads ('None' for no openMP threads)
Nopenthreads = None
## Memory size of shared memory threads
SIZEopenthreads = 200M
## Generic
errormsg=ERROR -- error -- ERROR -- error
warnmsg=WARNING -- warning -- WARNING -- warning

Revisión de 15:15 11 oct 2017


L. Fita's work-flow management for ORCHIDEE model

ORCHIDEE work-flow management is done via 3 scripts (these are the specifics for hydra [CIMA cluster]):

  • EXPERIMENTparameters.txt: General ASCII file which configures the experiment and chain of simulations (chunks). This is the unique file to modify
  • run_experiments.pbs: PBS-queue job which prepares the experiment of the environment
  • run_OR.pbs: PBS-queue job which launch the ORCHIDEE model and a range the output

An experiment which contains a period of simulation is divided by chunks small pieces of times which are manageable by the model. The work-flow follows these steps using run_experiments.pbs:

  1. Copy and link all the required files for a given chunk of the whole period of simulation following the content of EXPERIMENTparameters.txt
  2. Launches run_OR.pbs which will simulated the period of the given chunk
  3. Launches the next run_experiments.pbs (which waits until the end of run_OR.pbs)

All the scripts are located in hydra at:



This ASCII file configures all the simulation. It assumes:

  • Required files, forcings, storage, compiled version of the code might be at different machines.
  • There is a folder with a given template version of the run.def which will be used and changed accordingly to the requirement of the experiments
  1. Experiment name

ExpName = DiPolo

  1. Simulation name

SimName = OKstomate_CRUNCEP_spinup

  1. python binary


  1. Start from the beginning (keeping folder structure)

scratch = false

  1. Experiment starting date

exp_start_date = 19580101000000

  1. Experiment ending date

exp_end_date = 20150101000000

  1. Chunk Length [N]@[unit]
  2. [unit]=[year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second]

chunk_length = 1@year

  1. Hosts
  2. list of different hosts and specific user
  3. [USER]@[HOST]
  4. NOTE: this will only work if public keys have been set-up
  5. Running host (including domain definition)
  6. runHOST=lluis.fita@hydra
  7. Host with compiled code, namelist templates


  1. forcing Host with forcings (atmospherics and morphologicals)


  1. output Host with storage of output (including restarts)
  2. outHOST=lluis.fita@skogul


  1. Folder with the `run.def' and `xml' of the experiment

domainHOME = /home/lluis.fita/salidas/estudios/dominmios/DiPolo/daily

  1. Running folder

runHOME = /home/lluis.fita/estudios/DiPolo/sims

  1. Folder with the compiled source of ORCHIDEE

orHOME = /share/modipsl_dbg/bin/

  1. Storage folder of the output
  2. storageHOME = /datoslluis/estudios/DiPolo/sims/output

storageHOME = /home/lluis.fita/salidas/estudios/DiPolo/sims/output

  1. Modules to load ('None' for any)

modulesLOAD = None

  1. Simulation kind
  2. 'offline': Realistic off-line run, with initial conditions at each change of year
  3. 'periodic': Realistic off-line run, with the same initial conditions for each year

kindSIM = offline

  1. Model reference output names (to be used as checking file names)

nameLISTfile = run.def # namelist nameRSTfile = sechiba_rest_out.nc # restart file nameOUTfile = sechiba_history.nc # output file

  1. Extensions configuration of the model

configEXTS = def:xml

  1. restart file names
  2. ':' list of [tmplrstfilen|[NNNNN1]?[val1]#[...[NNNNNn]?[valn]]@[tmpllinkname]|[NNNNN1]?[val1]#[...[NNNNNn]?[valn]]
  3. [tmplrstfilen]: template name of the restart file (if necessary with [NNNNN] variables to be substituted)
  4. [NNNNN]: section of the file name to be automatically substituted
  5. `[YYYY]': year in 4 digits
  6. `[YY]': year in 2 digits
  7. `[MM]': month in 2 digits
  8. `[DD]': day in 2 digits
  9. `[HH]': hour in 2 digits
  10. `[SS]': second in 2 digits
  11. `[JJJ]': julian day in 3 digits
  12. [val]: value to use (which is systematically defined in `run_OR.pbs')
  13. `%Y%': year in 4 digits
  14. `%y%': year in 2 digits
  15. `%m%': month in 2 digits
  16. `%d%': day in 2 digits
  17. `%h%': hour in 2 digits
  18. `%s%': second in 2 digits
  19. `%j%': julian day in 3 digits
  20. [tmpllinkname]: template name of the link of the restart file (if necessary with [NNNNN] variables to be substituted)


  1. Folder with the input morphological forcing data

indataHOME = /share/ORCHIDEE/data/IGCM/SRF

  1. ':' separated list of [morphfilen]|[NNNNN1]?[val1]#[...[NNNNNn]?[valn]]@[tpmllinkname]|[NNNNN1]?[val1]#[...[NNNNNn]?[valn]]
  2. [morphfilen]: morphological forcing file (relative to ${indataHOME}) (if necessary with [NNNNN] variables to be substituted)
  3. [tmpllinkname]: template name of the link of the restart file (if necessary with [NNNNN] variables to be substituted)

indataFILES = albedo/alb_bg_modisopt_2D_ESA_v2.nc@alb_bg_modisopt_2D_ESA.nc:cartepente2d_15min.nc@cartepente2d_15min.nc:carteveg5km.nc@carteveg5km.nc:floodplains.nc@floodplains.nc:lai2D.nc@lai2D.nc:PFTMAPS/CMIP6/ESA-LUH2/historical/v1.2/withNoBio/13PFTmap_[YYYY]_ESA_LUH2v2h_withNoBio_v1.2.nc|YYYY?%Y%@PFTmap_025.nc:PFTmap_IPCC_1850.nc@PFTmap_IPCC.nc:reftemp.nc@reftemp.nc:soils_param.nc@soils_param.nc:soils_param_usda.nc@soils_param_usda.nc:soils_param_usdatop.nc@soils_param_usdatop.nc:routing.nc@routing.nc

  1. Folder which contents the atmospheric data to force the model

iniatmosHOME = /share/ORCHIDEE/data/IGCM/SRF/METEO/CRU-NCEP/v5.4/halfdeg

  1. ':' list of [atmosfilen]|[NNNNN1]?[val1]:[...[NNNNNn]?[valn]]@[tpmllinkname]|[NNNNN1]?[val1]#[...[NNNNNn]?[valn]]
  2. [filenTMPL]: template of the atmospheric data file name with [NNNN] variables to be substitued
  3. [tmpllinkname]: template name of the link of the restart file (if necessary with [NNNNN] variables to be substituted)

filenameTMPL = cruncep_halfdeg_[YYYY].nc|YYYY?%Y%@atmos_forcing.nc

    1. configuration files (':' separated list)

ORdef = run.def ORxml = context_orchidee.xml:field_def_orchidee.xml:file_def_orchidee.xml:iodef.xml

    1. def,xml changes ([fileA]@[parm1]:[val1];...;[parmN]:[valN]|...|[fileZ]@....)

nlparametres = run.def@STOMATE_OK_STOMATE:y;STOMATE_OK_CO2:y

  1. Name of the exectuable


  1. netCDF Files which will not be kept anywhere


  1. Headers of netCDF files need to be kept


  1. Headers of netCDF restart files need to be kept


  1. Extras. rebuild program folder

binREBUILD = /share/modipsl_IOIPSLtools/bin

  1. ORCHIDEE parallel run configuration
    1. Number of nodes

Nnodes = 1

    1. Number of mpi procs

Nmpiprocs = 16

    1. Number of shared memory threads ('None' for no openMP threads)

Nopenthreads = None

    1. Memory size of shared memory threads

SIZEopenthreads = 200M

    1. Generic

errormsg=ERROR -- error -- ERROR -- error warnmsg=WARNING -- warning -- WARNING -- warning

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