Here are derscribed the steps to perform a LES test simulation using WRF in CIMA’s HPC resource called `hydra'
Here are described the steps followed to compile LES test WRF code in hydra
- First we need to specify a location for the compilation of the code:
- From that location in hydra, download the source code of the WRF model (since V4.0 there is not provided anymore a compressed file with the code)
$ git clone https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF
- In order to compile, first it is required to define some environmental variables into the system
$ export NETCDF=’/usr/local’ $ export WRFIO_NCD_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT=1
- Then prepare the file with the specific configuration for the compilation (in this case using intel compiler in `dmpar' mode [distributed memory only] and no nesting 1 )
configure.wrf (13. (serial) 14. (smpar) 15. (dmpar) 16. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc)) [no nesting]
- Compile te LES test case
$ ./compile em_les >& compile.log
- Verify that there was not any error during compilation (should be empty)
$ cat -n compile.log | grep Error
value | specification | value | specification | value | specification |
dimx | 40 | dimy | 40 | dimz | 40 |
dx (m) | 100. | dy (m) | 100. | time_step (s) | 1 |
ztop (m) | 2000 | periodic_bx | true | periodic_by | true |
c_s | 0.18 | c_k | 0.10 | tke_heat_flux | 0.24 |
Here are describerd the different steps to perform the WRF’s LES test simulation. This run test is done with standard original WRF’s LES ideal simulation (see details in table 1).
- Simulation will be done in a different folder than the one where the compilation was made:
- Link the compiled and necessary files
$ ln -s /share/WRF/WRFgit/WRFlesideal/ifort/dmpar/WRF/run/* ./
- Remove the namelist file in order to do not modify WRF’s original namelist in case we want to modify something
$ rm namelist.input $ cp /share/WRF/WRFgit/WRFlesideal/ifort/dmpar/WRF/test/em_les/namelist.input ./
- Get the PBS jobs and scripts to run the simulation
$ cp /share/WRF/run_ideal.pbs ./ $ cp /share/WRF/launch_pbs.bash ./
- Generate the initial conditions specific for the case (in this case using the defailt input_sounding 2 )
$ qsub run_ideal.pbs
- Verify job is running propertly (it is very short, it last 18 seconds!)
$ qstat Job id Name User ––––––––––––- –––––––– –––––––- –––– - ––- (...) 8498.hydra WRF4L_ideal lluis.fita Time Use S Queue 00:00:12 R larga 7. At the end one should have $ ls -lrt realout/ total 3744 -rw-r–r– 1 lluis.fita cima 85706 Apr 12 13:27 namelist.output_00010101000000-00010101010000 -rw-r–r– 1 lluis.fita cima 5020 Apr 12 13:27 namelist.input_00010101000000-00010101010000 drwxr-xr-x 2 lluis.fita cima 4096 Apr 12 13:27 00010101000000-00010101010000 -rw-r–r– 1 lluis.fita cima 3733932 Apr 12 13:27 wrfinput_d01 1 after WRF user’s web page instructions http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/docs/user_guide_v4/v4.0/users_guide_chap5.html# _Installing_WRF 2 see /share/WRF/WRFgit/WRFlesideal/ifort/dmpar/WRF/test/em_les/README.les for more details and optionsWRF-LES test at CIMA 3
- And the rsl file shoult content:
$ cat realout/00010101000000-00010101010000/rsl.error.0000 Ntasks in X 4, ntasks in Y 4 IDEAL V4.0.3 PREPROCESSOR
Parent domain ids,ide,jds,jde 1 40 1 40 ims,ime,jms,jme -4 17 -4 17 ips,ipe,jps,jpe 1 10 1 10
DYNAMICS OPTION: Eulerian Mass Coordinate alloc_space_field: domain 1, 11151368 bytes allocated wrf: SUCCESS COMPLETE IDEAL INIT
- Once initial conditions are generated (realout/wrfinput_d01), one can run the simulation. First the WRF
PBS job script is required $ cp /share/WRF/run_wrf.pbs ./
- Simulation can be performed (by default 24 nodes)
$ qsub ru_wrf.pbs 8499.hydra
- Verify simulation is propertly running
$ qstat Job id Name User ––––––––––––- –––––––– –––––––- –––– - ––- (...) 8498.hydra WRF4L_ideal lluis.fita 8499.hydra WRF4L_wrf lluis.fita Time Use S Queue 00:00:18 C larga 0 R larga 12. At the end of job $ cat wrfout/00010101000000-00010101010000/rsl.error.0000 taskid: 0 hostname: node44 module_io_quilt_old.F 2931 F Quilting with 1 groups of 0 I/O tasks. Ntasks in X 4, ntasks in Y 6 For domain 1, the domain size is too small for this many processors, or the decomposition aspect ratio is poor. Minimum decomposed computational patch size, either x-dir or y-dir, is 10 grid cells. e_we = 40, nproc_x = 4, with cell width in x-direction = 10 e_sn = 40, nproc_y = 6, with cell width in y-direction = 6 –- ERROR: Reduce the MPI rank count, or redistribute the tasks. ––––––– FATAL CALLED –––––––- FATAL CALLED FROM FILE: <stdin> LINE: 1745 NOTE: 1 namelist settings are wrong. Please check and reset these options –––––––––––––––––––––- application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0WRF-LES test at CIMA 4
- An error is found related to an exceess of cpu resources used. Thus there is a need to reduce it. Current
configuration $ cat run_wrf.pbs (...)
- Queue
- PBS -q large
- Max run time
- PBS -l walltime=168:00:00
- Max memory
- PBS -l vmem=20gb
- PBS -l mem=20gb
- resources
- PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=24
(...) mpiexec -n 24 ./launch_pbs.bash ./${execn}.exe >& run_${execn}0.log
- There is a need to reduce the amount of resources. Let’s try with 16 processes
$ vim run_wrf.pbs (...)
- resources
- PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=16
(...) mpiexec -n 16 ./launch_pbs.bash ./${execn}.exe >& run_${execn}0.log
- re-launching job
$ qsub ru_wrf.pbs 8501.hydra
- Checking job running
$ qstat Job id Name User ––––––––––––- –––––––– –––––––- –––– - ––- (...) 8500.hydra WRF4L_wrf lluis.fita Time Use S Queue 00:01:03 R larga
- At the end of simulation ( 3 )
3 note that with 16 process 1 time-step (1 s) is simulated with 0.0738 seconds of real time. Meaning that there is a simulation speed of around 13.6 times faster than simulation timeWRF-LES test at CIMA 5 $ tail wrfout/00010101000000-00010101010000/rsl.error.0000 Timing for main: time 0001-01-01_00:59:54 on domain 1: 0.07378 elapsed seconds Timing for main: time 0001-01-01_00:59:55 on domain 1: 0.07362 elapsed seconds Timing for main: time 0001-01-01_00:59:56 on domain 1: 0.07385 elapsed seconds Timing for main: time 0001-01-01_00:59:57 on domain 1: 0.07380 elapsed seconds Timing for main: time 0001-01-01_00:59:58 on domain 1: 0.07392 elapsed seconds Timing for main: time 0001-01-01_00:59:59 on domain 1: 0.07399 elapsed seconds Timing for main: time 0001-01-01_01:00:00 on domain 1: 0.07406 elapsed seconds Timing for Writing wrfout_d01_0001-01-01_01:00:00 for domain 1: 0.31056 elapsed seconds Timing for Writing restart for domain 1: 2.09555 elapsed seconds d01 0001-01-01_01:00:00 wrf: SUCCESS COMPLETE WRF
- One should have inside wrfout folder
$ ls wrfout 00010101000000-00010101010000 namelist.input_00010101000000-00010101010000 namelist.output_00010101000000-00010101010000 run_wrf-00010101000000-00010101010000.log stations wrfout_d01_0001-01-01_00:00:00 wrfrst_d01_0001-01-01_01:00:00
- Standard output of 2 time-steps is about 6.7M
$ ls -lh wrfout/wrfout_d01_0001-01-01_00:00:00 -rw-r–r– 1 lluis lluis 6.7M Apr 12 13:38 wrfout/wrfout_d01_0001-01-01_00:00:00
- See figures from 1 to 4 with some preiliminary results