ORcompHYDRA hydra
De Wikicima
Revisión a fecha de 11:29 28 jun 2019; Lluis.fita (Discusión | contribuciones)
Compilation at CIMA's HPC 'hydra'
Contenido |
Installation steps using modipsl
- Go to the installation directory
(for hydra[INSTALLDIR]=/share
- Getting the IPSL-models suite
$ svn co https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg/svn/modipsl/trunk modipsl
- Going to the
$ cd modipsl/util
- Getting the off-line version of ORCHIDEE
$ ./model ORCHIDEE_trunk >& run_get_model.log
- We got some issues with the ports, thus, it needs to be manually done:
$ cd ../modeles
- Getting IOIPSL:
$ mkdir -p IOIPSL/src $ svn co https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg/svn/IOIPSL/tags/v2_2_2/src IOIPSL/src
- Getting XIOS library
$ svn co -r 1043 https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ioserver/svn/XIOS/trunk XIOS
- By the end one should have:
- Going back to
to proceed
$ cd ../util
- These are the final versions of the codes
- ORCHIDEE: 4622
- IOIPSL: 3379
- XIOS: 1043
- Preparing compilation environment for
. One need to add intoAA_make.gdef
specifications forhydra
(at the end of file):
#-Q- ifort_hydra #- Global definitions for hydra, ifort #-Q- ifort_hydra LIB_MPI = MPI1 #-Q- ifort_hydra LIB_MPI_BIS = MPI1 #-Q- ifort_hydra FCM_ARCH = ifort_hydra #-Q- ifort_hydra M_K = make #-Q- ifort_hydra P_C = cpp #-Q- ifort_hydra P_O = -P -C -traditional $(P_P) #-Q- ifort_hydra F_C = /usr/local/bin/mpif90 -c -cpp #-Q- ifort_hydra #-D- MD F_D = -g #-Q- ifort_hydra #-D- MN F_D = #-Q- ifort_hydra #-P- I4R4 F_P = -i4 #-Q- ifort_hydra #-P- I4R8 F_P = -i4 -r8 #-Q- ifort_hydra #-P- I8R8 F_P = -i8 -r8 #-Q- ifort_hydra F_O = -DCPP_PARA -O3 $(F_D) $(F_P) -I$(MODDIR) -module $(MODDIR) -fp-model precise #-Q- ifort_hydra F_L = /usr/local/bin/mpif90 #-Q- ifort_hydra M_M = 0 #-Q- ifort_hydra L_X = 0 #-Q- ifort_hydra L_O = #-Q- ifort_hydra A_C = ar -rs #-Q- ifort_hydra A_G = ar -x #-Q- ifort_hydra C_C = cc -c #-Q- ifort_hydra C_O = #-Q- ifort_hydra C_L = cc #-Q- ifort_hydra #- #-Q- ifort_hydra NCDF_INC = /usr/local/include #-Q- ifort_hydra NCDF_LIB = -L/usr/local/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdff #-Q- ifort_hydra #-
- Creation of the configuration \verb+arch+ files for the compilation of each component
- going there:
$ cd ../modeles/XIOS/arch
- Using CICLAD's ifort compilation as reference
$ cp arch-ifort_CICLAD.fcm arch-ifort_hydra.fcm
- Adapting values (following ifort bug issue for version 12.0.3, ifort bug):
%CCOMPILER /usr/local/bin/mpicc %FCOMPILER /usr/local/bin/mpif90 %LINKER /usr/local/bin/mpif90 -nofor-main %BASE_CFLAGS -std=c++0x %PROD_CFLAGS -O3 -D BOOST_DISABLE_ASSERTS %DEV_CFLAGS -g -traceback %DEBUG_CFLAGS -DBZ_DEBUG -g -traceback -fno-inline %BASE_FFLAGS -D__NONE__ %PROD_FFLAGS -O3 %DEV_FFLAGS -g -O2 -traceback %DEBUG_FFLAGS -g -traceback %BASE_INC -D__NONE__ %BASE_LD -lstdc++ %CPP /usr/local/bin/mpicc -EP %FPP cpp -P %MAKE gmake
- Getting paths:
$ cp arch-ifort_CICLAD.path arch-ifort_hydra.path
- Adapting values:
NETCDF_INCDIR="-I/usr/local/include" NETCDF_LIBDIR="-L/usr/local/lib" NETCDF_LIB="-lnetcdf -lnetcdff" MPI_INCDIR="" MPI_LIBDIR="" MPI_LIB="" HDF5_INCDIR="" HDF5_LIBDIR="" HDF5_LIB=""
- Going there
$ cd ../../ORCHIDEE/arch
- Using CICLAD's ifort compilation as reference
$ cp arch-ifort_CICLAD.fcm arch-ifort_hydra.fcm
- Adapting values:
%COMPILER /usr/local/bin/mpif90 %LINK /usr/local/bin/mpif90 %AR ar %MAKE gmake %FPP_FLAGS -P -traditional %FPP_DEF %BASE_FFLAGS -i4 -r8 -fp-model precise %PROD_FFLAGS -O3 %DEV_FFLAGS -g -O2 -traceback -fp-stack-check -ftrapuv -check bounds %DEBUG_FFLAGS -fpe0 -O0 -g -traceback -fp-stack-check -ftrapuv -check bounds -check all %MPI_FFLAGS %OMP_FFLAGS -openmp -openmp-threadprivate compat %BASE_LD -i4 -r8 %MPI_LD %OMP_LD -openmp
- getting paths
$ cp arch-ifort_CICLAD.path arch-ifort_hydra.path
- Adapting values:
NETCDF_LIBDIR="/usr/local/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdff -lstdc++" NETCDF_INCDIR=/usr/local/include IOIPSL_INCDIR=../../../lib IOIPSL_LIBDIR=../../../lib XIOS_INCDIR=${ORCHDIR}/../XIOS/inc XIOS_LIBDIR="${ORCHDIR}/../XIOS/lib -lxios"
Bulding & compiling
- Going back to
to proceed
- Going back to
$ cd ../../../util
- Installing the code:
$ ./ins_make -t ifort_hydra >& run_ins_make.log
- Going there:
$ cd ../config/ORCHIDEE_OL
- No need to loading the right environment since in
its by default - Compiling XIOS in sequential (in
, adding no-parallel compilation):
- No need to loading the right environment since in
./make_xios --netcdf_lib netcdf4_seq (...)
- Compiling:
$ gmake >& run_gmake.log
- Checking if everything went fine:
$ cat -n run_gmake.log | grep Error $ cat -n run_gmake.log | grep undefined $ ls ../../bin/ orchidee_ol xios_server.exe