entornos python

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The generation of environments facilitate the specific requiremnts of each user for each purpose.

Following instructions from python environments

  1. Creation of the place where the environment will reside
mkdir -p {HOME}/bin/py27env
cd {HOME}/bin/py27env
  1. Install virtualenv
$ pip install virtualenv
  1. Test installation
$ virtualenv --version
  1. Create a virtual environment (e.g `py27env' to be used with python 2.7):
$ virtualenv p /usr/bin/python2.7 ./
  1. Activate the environment
$ source bin/activate
(py27env) $
  1. Installing packages
(py27env) $ pip install numpy
Collecting numpy
  Using cached numpy-1.13.3-cp27-cp27mu-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
Installing collected packages: numpy
Successfully installed numpy-1.13.3
  1. Deactivating environment
(py27env) $ deactivate


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