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These steps must be followed prior the re-compilation of the WRF model and assuming that the process is started where the code resides (WRFV3). NOTE: make sure that the already compiled version of WRF and the version of the module are the same!

  1. Untar the file
$ tar xvfz WRFV[VERSION]_CORDEX.tar.gz
  1. It deflates all the required files and the modified orignal WRF files
  1. On the Registry/Registry.EM add the following line (after the last line include registry.bdy_perturb (on WRFV3.7.1, WRFV3.8.1), registry.new3d_wif (on WRFV3.9.1.1)) and on WFRV40 after the last line include registry.trad_fields in registry.em_shared_collection
include registry.cordex
  1. Clean the code (in order to avoid to run again configure one can make a copy of the configure.wrf and recover it after the clean, otherwise it is erased)
$ cp configure.wrf configure.cordex.wrf
$ ./clean -a
$ cp configure.cordex.wrf configure.wrf
  1. edit the `configure.wrf' and add the line (after the line -DNETCDF and/or –DCLWRFGHG)
  1. Set up (or not) the pre-compilation variable CDXWRF (after the line -DCORDEXDIAG)
                      -DCDXWRF=[value] \
    • Accordingly to the value given to the pre-compilation variable CDXWRF one obtains:
      • Without adding the variable: all CORDEX 'Core' variables
      • CORDEX 'Tier1' variables: clivg, clivh, zmla, [cape/cin/zlfc/plfc/lidx]{min/max/mean}
                      -DCDXWRF=1 \
      • The same as with CDXWRF=1 and additional variables: ua, va, ws, ta, press, zg, hur, hus, tfog, fogvisbltymin, fogvisbltymax, fogvisbltymean, tdsmin, tdsmax, tdsmean and the Water-Budget relarted ones: wbacdiabh, wbacpw, wbacpw[c/r/s/i/g/h], wbacf, wbacf[c/r/s/i/g/h], wbacz, wbacz[c/r/s/i/g/h], wbacdiabh{l/m/h}, wbacpw{l/m/h}, wbacpw[c/r/s/i/g/h]{l/m/h}, wbacf{l/m/h}, wbacf[c/r/s/i/g/h]{l/m/h}, wbacz{l/m/h}, wbacz[c/r/s/i/g/h]{l/m/h}
                      -DCDXWRF=2 \
  • Simultanesouly, one needs to modify the Registry/registry.cordex accordingly to the value of CDXWRF:
      • Without adding CDXWRF, nothing needs to be changed
      • Adding CDXWRF=1, one needs to remove the comment ##CDXWRF1## at the beginning of the line of the definition of certain variables
      • Adding CDXWRF=2, one needs to remove the comment ##CDXWRF1## and ##CDXWRF2## at the beginning of the line of the definition of certain variables
  1. Additionally, one can also get the instantaneous values for the variables which only certain statistics (accumulation, minimum, mean, ...) are provided. In order to get them, one need to:
    1. Search in phys/module_diagnostics_driver.F and phys/module_diag_cordex.F the lines of code marked with 'INSTVALS' and change accordingly.
    2. Modify Registry/registry.cordex accordingly (removing ##INST## at the beginning of the line of the definition of certain variables, and adding 'h9' to certain others)
  1. compile as always
$ ./compile em_real >& compile.log

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