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These are the steps to use the module

  1. One need to add to the 'namelist.input' the auxiliar output number 9 (e.g. for output every 3 hours and 1-day files) at the `&history' section:
auxhist9_outname = "wrfcdx_d<domain>_<date>"
auxhist9_interval = 180, 180,
frames_per_auxhist9 = 8, 8,
io_form_auxhist9 = 2
  1. Also a new section should be added (assuming it will get complex and different implementations of the diagnostics might be necessary...) NOTE: do not copy directly this text. Fortran do not understand ':' as namelist input.
 output_cordex      = 1
 psl_diag           = 1: sea-level pressure diagnostic following hydrostatic Shuell correction 
                      (Stackpole and Cooley, 1970)
                    = 2: psl diagnostic following a target pressure (Benjamin and Miller, 1990)
                    = 3: psl diagnostic following ECMWF method (Yesad, 2015) [default]
 psmooth            = 5: passes of neighborgh filtering (3x3-grid point mean) of psfc for psl_diag=2 
                      [default 5]
 ptarget            = 70000.: pressure [Pa] target to be used by psl_diag=2 [default 70000.]
 wsgs_diag          = 1: wind-gust diagnostic following (Brasseur, 2001, MWR) [default]
                    = 2: wsgs folllowing heavy precipitation method
 output_wb          = 1: whether water-budget variables (Fita and Flaounas, 2018, QJRMS) have to 
                      computed (1) or not [0, default]
 wsz100_diag        = 1: wind extraoplation at z100m_wind using power-law method [default]
                    = 2: wind extraoplation at z100m_wind using logarithmic method
                    = 3: wind extraoplation at z100m_wind using Monin-Obukhov theory
 z100m_wind         = 100.: height to extraplate winds [100. default]
 zmlagen_dqv        = 0.1: percentage of variation of mixing ratio to determine mixed layer depth used in 
                        zmla computation (Nielsen-Gammon et al., 2008) [0.1 default]
 zmlagen_dtheta     = 1.5: increment in K of potantial temperature from its minimum within the MLD used in 
                        zmla computation (1.5 default)
 potevap_diag       = 1 potential evapotranspiration using bulk computation (Manabe, 1969)
 potevap_diag       = 2 potential evapotranspiration using Milly92 correction (Milly, 1992) after ORCHIDEE 
                        implementation [default]
 convxtrm_diag      = 0: diagnostic of extremes from convection indices: 0: No [default]; 1: yes
 fogvisibility_diag = 1: diagnostic of visibility inside fog following Kunkel (1984)
                    = 2: RUC method (Smirnova et al., 2000)
                    = 3: FRAML 50% prob Gultepe and Milbrandt, (2010) [default]
 fogvars            = 1: variables to use to diagnose fog using 3D [hur] [default]
                    = 2: sfc [hus] (not available for fogvisibility_diag = 1)

Pressure interpolation

Remember to activate section &diags in order to get pressure-level vertical interpolation of state variables (g.e.: assuming 6 levels only and output every 3 hours)

io_form_auxhist23 = 2,
auxhist23_interval = 180, 180,
frames_per_auxhist23 = 100, 100,


p_lev_diags = 1,
num_press_levels = 6,
press_levels = 100000, 92500, 85000, 70000, 50000, 20000
use_tot_or_hyd_p = 1
p_lev_missing = -999.

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